Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Random Thought 4 Silent Bliss

Two for one on the posts today kiddo's! I'm bored tonight

Again, if you're in my family, you might as well just go back to Facebook, because you've already heard this a million times.

I wrote a book. 

Me being a guy, you're thinking maybe spy novel, with fast cars, tuxedo's and scantily clad women with exotic names that end up dying in the end. Nope.

Maybe it's an action thriller about a teenage solider that illegally enlisted in the army and is shoved into the heat of battle on the beaches of Normandy? Nope.

Dear gizzards, it's not another zombie piece is it? Not this one. But I'm working on it.

This my friends is Silent Bliss. And it is a romance novel. Straight up "boy-girl fall in love and over come the odds" kind of stuff. And I'm a dude. I know.

Weird right? And what am I doing writing a book when I can't even make a half-cheeked attempt at a blog about nothing?

Honestly, I wonder that myself sometimes. Silent Bliss is my stab at being an author (totally just typed that as "other" for a second. hahaha) and so, it being my first book, with only a high school diploma and semester of college under my belt, I wrote a book. Well, technically it started the summer after Junior year. So I didn't even have that to my name.

My English teacher (Thanks Mr. Owen) got me into writing by forcing us to write a short story. I'm really glad he did, granted that first story was absolute crap. It still is. I've revised it ten times and it's just crap. There's no plot line. It's just me rambling on about this fictitious alternate reality I created for myself to explore what I would do if my family is rich. Just like how I ramble on about crap on this blog.

Turns out the whole rich kid life would be pretty much the same, at least I hoped and portrayed that it would be. Only, I'm a little more reckless and have a lot nicer toys.

So, Junior year, after being frustrated with this original short story that turned into a trilogy of crap, I started to write a spy novel. Sadly, that spy novel has vanished. Probably because it was crap too. That's the curse of being happy with a delete button. Who knows, maybe its on some flash drive buried in my room that I'll find in ten years.

I keep getting off topic. Curse my self-diagnosed ADD. Okay. This spy novel I wrote,  started with these teenagers finding out they were spy's.(Original right? No It's not.) Then somehow the plot line had them going to a motocross race the next day.

Well, this was about the time I found out about Ashley, and so that somehow evolved into this spy hitting it off with a female rider. Then it evolved into it's own plot line as a normal  teen hitting it off with a female rider, that happened to be deaf. Then, knowing that people might jump to conclusions, and not wanting a lawsuit on my hands if the thing ever got published, I changed A LOT of stuff in the book for "right to privacy" laws, copyright infringement, and all that fun stuff.

But the integrity of the story stayed the same.

And that's the story of how a high school English class spawned a novel about a deaf chick.

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