Monday, May 19, 2014

Random Thought 16 My Blog is Better Than My Sister's Blog

Okay, so it's not. But I figured it would catch the attention of my sister, so that's the title. My blog is terrible and boring. My sister on the other hand has a baby. I have a truck. One of these things is a lot more adorable and it's not the thing with four wheels.

To be honest, I have no idea what I was going to blog about tonight until I read my sisters blog.
Enter shameless plug for family member:

I remember the first time I met my now brother-in-law Riley was at a Bill Cosby show. I think. That's my first concious memory at least. Anyway, this Riley kid was a total dork. He had these big old thick rimmed glasses, some t-shirt from Deseret Industries and I had to sit next to him while watching Bill Cosby. I thought, "Oh great, they actually like each other. I'm going to have to deal with another goober until she pulls her head out of this one."

That didn't happen. Nope. Not at all. I saw this get pretty freakin' serious pretty freaking fast. Next thing I know, this kid is stealing my sister away for weekends in some Podunk town called Inkom. (I thought some rednecks from Pocatello named the water tower next to I-15 for the longest time.

So in this short amount of time, I kinda start to get to know Riley. We do stuff. Memory escapes me, but it was fun stuff. And then freaking pow, this kid proposes. What the crap? I never thought my sister would be getting married. Savanna and I were just going to be the perpetual bachelorette and bachelor of the family and we were going to always be the ones stuck together in coupled out family photos.

And then I turned into the single one of the family. The 11th wheel. the awkward kid on the end of the family photo's while all the rest of the siblings are huddled around their kids and spouces and I'm just over in the corner internally crying.

True story.

But when that wedding day rolled around and everyone but Savanna was dressed in brown (I still think it's the lamest pun on a last name ever, I'm sorry. It's a dad joke at it's finest) I realized that I was getting an older brother I never really had.

Sure, I had Nicolas. But we were ten years apart. I wanted to emulate him when I was a kid, but we never really "hung out" like we would have if we were closer in age. Nyk was just as old as Nicolas and had much less (seat time) with me, Pauline was 7 years ahead of me and a little closer, but she was a girl, and never appreciated a good fart joke. Tiffany was pretty dang tough for a girl, but again, not the one you want to try your latest fart joke on.  Savanna was the closest thing I had to a slightly older brother, but again, she was a girl, but a weird one at that. Like, there's a reason we cal her the Sanimal. She also was a little more up to date on "what the kids are into these days".

And then Riley came along and I thought that I was going to lose that. The one sibling that I truly totally, completely comfortable with sitting around at 3 in the morning watching Netflix and making those 3am jokes. You know the ones.

Then I realized that Riley was the missing link. He was the same age as Savanna, he liked all the best video games, Harry Potter, computers and obscure YouTube references. He started wakeboarding, dirt biking and snowmobiling. I realized that not only was he perfect for my sister, but he was perfect for our family. He didn't take away anything. He added to it. When I have a fart joke to try out, I send it to two people. My dad, and Riley.....and sometimes Savanna.

So now, as we approach 9 grand children in the family, and me eventually getting married, I realize that there's no taking away in my family. We just keep getting bigger and closer with every passing year. And we just keep getting dorkier.

Welcome to the Woolstenhulme Home for Excellence in Dorkiness. We can't come to the phone right now, but leave a message and we'll get back to you. Right after we clean the spit up off the couches, turn off the N64 and put away the princess clothes and dump the Hot Wheels back in the bin.... so that might be a while.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure I'm more the kind of sister that would appreciate a fart joke than Savanna is! And are you trying to say I wasn't fashionable? I do agree that Riley fits in perfectly with our family though!!
