Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Random Thought 19 The Last Year In Summary

You know, if you asked me a year ago how my 7 week break between semesters was going, I would have said it was the most boring time of my life and that I needed to find a job (good luck finding one for that short of a time) to be honest, I don't even remember what I was doing this time last year. Facebook photos say we had a family reunion about this time last year.... I broke my foot last September, so that's cool.

Between Fall and Spring Semester I got a job working at Bell Photography, which is brutal to wake up to at 5:30 in the morning and sometimes earlier, but it was money and I got to sit down most all day.

December also brought some nice change in the family, getting rid of the Yukon XL in favor of "Super Ram" the big little brother to Super Dodge. So yeah, holy crap my dad bought a new truck.

The Spring semester was fun, I only had a couple of classes on campus, which was weird, but I kinda liked hardly leaving the apartment. I don't want to say I'm a hermit, because I did get cabin fever sometimes. Technically there were four of us in the apartment, but it was mainly just me, Mitch and Steven. I saw my former roommate Bryce more than I saw my actual roommate Nathan.

The strangest change was this chick kept hanging out at my apartment more and more this semester. Like literally she was over there every day. It was the weirdest thing. She'd just come over and hang out, we did game nights ever Sunday and she made these intoxicating cookies. Like... seriously they're better than hydrocodone.

So one day, we started cuddling watching a movie a few days before the Fourth of July.  I was like "Well alright, I haven't had non-relative female contact in for freaking ever... Why not?"

And then we started watching The Office, which Steven hates, by the way. Sitting on that couch with Emily watching the greatest TV show of our generation just felt right. I say Michael Scott brought us together, but Emily doesn't quite like that.

So after cuddling some more watching The Office, going to the drive-in and cuddling watching Jurrasic World, and some disc golfing in between, we made it official. Being the pansy I am, it took me forever to get up the guts. You'd think the annoyingly outgoing person I can be would jump at the chance, but I'm a pansy in all reality. I'd literally told myself the day before I did it that I rather break my foot than do this.

But then she said yes. I knew she was going to say yes, but seriously... it was killing me.

And then Mitch left like hours later... and I left for home a few days later. Looking back, it was something I should have done about a month earlier. Like... a month and a half really.

So now I'm spending my time between here and Rexburg. Steven is still up there, we still have game night every Sunday there or at my house, and I seriously couldn't be happier right now.

This year, this year is a lot better. I only have a few semesters of school left, I have a solid job in my off-track semester, my roommates are freaking awesome, and my girlfriend is even better. She makes me cookies. These things are seriously better than hydrocodone.

So yeah. This summer is pretty awesome. Spending my time between here and Rexburg is giving me a good excuse to ride "Thumper" around and "save gas", and we're planning on a trip up to Red Lodge, MT on the bikes the weekend before school starts, so I'm pretty pumped about that. But most of all, I'm ready to be back there and see my girlfriend every day.

I never thought I'd be saying this, but bring on Fall 2015.